4G: Veteran to BSN Alumni: A Nurse Educator Assistant Pipeline to Higher Education Roles
Thursday, September 19 | 9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
The purpose of this presentation is to describe a pathway for developing future nurse educators by recruiting alumni from an accelerated Veteran to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (VBSN) track to serve as Nurse Educator Assistants (NEAs). By providing teaching opportunities and faculty role models for NEAs, foundational military healthcare provider skills, knowledge, and experiences are further enhanced, creating a pipeline to develop, encourage, and retain academic nursing faculty.
Presenters :
Deborah Sikes, DNP, RN, CNE | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Jonathan Menchaca, MSN, RN | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Diana Goodwin, MSN, RN, CNE | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
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