8B: Dare to be Disruptive: Achieve Student Success in a Disaggregated CBE Model
Friday, September 20 | 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Our online graduate nursing program employed disruptive innovation to implement the first online CBE nursing program. The innovative disaggregated faculty model (DFM) provided access, equity, and inclusivity to students nationwide. The DFM consists of four roles, enhancing faculty development and student success. Each role facilitates student learning and instructional support. The Evaluator’s role provides unbiased, anonymous, non-student-facing assessment evaluation.
Laura Simmons, PhD, RN, CNE | Western Governors University
Carole Liske, PhD, MSRN | Western Governors University
Kristen McVerry, MSN, RN-BC | Western Governors University
Deborah Dilliard, PhD, MPA, MCH, RN, NE-BC | Western Governors University
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