Workshop B: Understanding Nurse Educator Competencies and the Big Picture of Assessment
Wednesday, September 18 | 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The first half of the presentation is an in-depth review of nurse educator competencies and task statements. The information will guide the participants through an exercise to correlate examples of nurse educator tasks to the best related competency and task statement within the appropriate role. In the second half of the presentation, nurse educators will improve their understanding of the assessment process. This information will empower participants to develop a program assessment blueprint that promotes fair and equitable testing as well as provides data to meet the expectations of regulatory and accrediting bodies.
After attending this program, nurse educators will be able to:
Identify uses of competencies and task statements
Describe the sets of competencies and task statements for various nurse educator roles
Correlate nurse educator activities with competency and task statement sets
Design a program assessment blueprint
Critique an existing assessment plan
Analyze the influences of regulatory and accrediting bodies when developing an assessment plan
Presenters :
Dodie Serafini, MSN, PhD, RN, CNE | Director of Assessment Services, National League for Nursing
Larry Simmons, PhD, RN, CNE, NEA-BC, CGNC, ICE-CCP, FAAN | Senior Director of Credentialing, National League for Nursing
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