1D: Developing Competencies to Advance Scholarship as a Journal Peer Reviewer
Wednesday, September 18 | 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Journal peer reviewers appraise manuscripts using a process that aims to ensure the integrity of the scholarly record. However, how reviewers develop the competencies needed to effectively function in the peer reviewer role is unclear. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss research-based strategies that can foster the development of journal peer reviewers to advance scholarship for the nursing discipline.
Presenters :
Elizabeth Gazza, PhD, RN, LCCE, FACCE, ANEF | University of North Carolina Wilmington
April Matthias, PhD, RN, CNE | University of North Carolina Wilmington
Megan Atkins, Undergraduate Nursing Student | University of North Carolina Wilmington
Maria Tyler, MSN-Ed | University of North Carolina Wilmington
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